Wednesday, October 3, 2007,1:53 AM
Pineapple & Raisin Rice Recipe
* 200 gms Precooked Fragrant Rice
* 4 Tablespoons Chopped Pineapple Pieces
* 2 Tablespoons Raisin
* 2 Tablespoons Chopped Carrots
* 2 Tablespoons Green Peas
* 2 Tablespoons Chopped Bacon
* 2 Tablespoons Chopped Red Pepper
* 1/4 White Pepper
* 3 Tablespoons Fish Sauce
* 3 Tablespoons Maggi Sauce
* 1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
* 2 Teaspoons Chopped Garlic
* 1 Tablespoons Chopped Coriander Leaves
* 2 Tablespoons Oil
* 1/2 Teaspoons Yellow Ginger Podwer
1) Fry the garlic in the oil to release the smell
2) Add the bacon, carrot, red pepper, and fry for a few seconds.
3) Add the rice, raisins, pineapple, peas, white pepper, fish sauce, sugar, yellow ginger powder and maggi sauce in. Fry for a minute, mixing as you fry
4) Add the coriander to the top just before serving.
,1:03 AM
Chicken Nuggets Recipe
* 150 gms ChickenThigh, Cut into Small Pieces
* 2 Tablespoons Corn Flour
* 2 Tablespoons Light Soy Sauce
* 1 Teaspoons Salt
* 1/4 Teaspoon White Pepper
* 2 Teaspoons Sesame Seeds
* 100 ml Water
* Oil for Deep Frying
1) Mix the corn flour with the water and add the sesame seeds, pepper, salt and light soy sauce, mix to form a smooth batter
2) Drop the chicken pieces into the batter and coat them well
3) Heat the oil to 190 degrees celsius (hot) and deep fry the chicken
Monday, October 1, 2007,8:20 PM
鮮蝦腐皮卷 Recipe
* 500g 新鮮蝦
* 2 - 3 Stalk 蔥, Cut into small pieces
* 150g - 200g 馬啼, Cut into small cube
* 1 Sheet 腐皮 (一開四)
1) 先將蝦去殼,洗淨,抹乾,切碎 (切勿切得過碎,否則會過份地將蝦組織切斷,打出來的不易起膠)
2) 切碎後用刀背拍打,加入調味料及蔥碎攪拌至起膠
3) 鮮腐皮一開四,放入適量的蝦膠,捲好後排放上碟
4) 隔水用中火蒸 5 分鐘,取出待凍
5) 燒紅鑊落油,半煎炸至金黃香脆,瀝乾油分,切段 上碟
,6:57 PM
Thai Tom Yum Soup Recipe
* 250g Of Shrimps
* 6-7 Kaffir Lime Leaves
* 1 Blue Ginger
* 2 Onions
* 1/4 Cup Tamotoes, Chopped
* 3/4 Packet Straw Mushrooms
* 3/4 Can Of Button Mushrooms
* 1 Stalk Lemongrass, Cut into 1/2-inch pieces
* 5 Tablespoons Fish Sauce
* 8 Tablespoons Lime Juice
* 5-7 Chilli Padi, Cut into small pieces
* 4-5 Tablespoon chili paste, in soy bean oil (Thai name — Nam Prik Pao, can be found in Asian grocery store)
* 1000 ml Water
* Starch (Corn Flour Mixed With Water)
1) Pour water into medium pot and place over high head on stove
2) Bring to boil and add Kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, blue ginger & onion; cook for 6 minutes.
3) Reduce to low heat, add fish sauce, lime juice, chilli padi, and chili paste in soy bean oil
4) Add mushrooms & tomatoes; cook for several minutes
5) Add shrimp or chicken
6) Turn heat to high, do not stir
7) When shrimp or chicken is cooked, add the starch and stir evenly
8) Continue to cook for 5 minutes more
*Note: For The Blue Ginger Need To Cut/ Chop Into Few Pieces. After Cutting In Into few Pieces, Remember To Smash A Few Time With The Knife.
Sunday, September 30, 2007,6:16 AM
楊枝甘露 Recipe
* 3個芒果肉, 切粒
* 80g西米
* 沙田柚/金柚半個
1) 預備芒果肉3個,切粒
2)西米80g,浸半個小時,下鍋內煮至透明,篩去水份,再用冰水沖一沖 (就吾會一舊舊)
4)水460g,冰糖80g 煮溶,加椰奶230g,待凍